iPERMS RMA – The Process of Uploading Documents to iPERMS

If you are a soldier who needs to update your personal record, you will need to know about the process of iPERMS Record Management Access. Record Managers have the ability to review soldiers’ records, compare them to the ERB/ORB, and determine if the documents uploaded are accurate and complete. In order to perform a record review, you must upload the required documents and key supporting documents to the soldier’s record in iPERMS. To learn more about the process, watch the video series below.

Record Managers have access to assigned soldiers.

Record Managers are individuals whose official duties require them to review records for assigned soldiers. These individuals can view personal records for assigned soldiers in the Record Review Tool. However, they cannot view other soldiers’ records. To access other soldiers’ records, record managers must upload documents. They can follow the guidance found on the Scan and Upload Documents webpage.

Record managers must be aware of the process when reviewing a soldier’s record. Record Managers must review and compare the ERB/ORB with the end of the month’s LES and the AMHRR to ensure that all required documents are uploaded. Reviewers should ensure that all required documents and key supporting documents have been uploaded to the soldier’s record in iPERMS. A video series provides an overview of the record review process.

To ensure accurate reporting, record managers must maintain visibility on assigned soldiers.They must also understand how to view documents uploaded to iPERMS. This will help them make the right decisions. For example, they can see if an assigned soldier has previously reviewed a document. They can also see if the soldier has uploaded a DA 5960 form. The DA 5960 must be uploaded into iPERMS within 20 duty days.

Documents with multiple SSN’s are not authorized for filing in iPERMS.

The iPERMS RMA system is an integrated imaging and records management system. It is a web-based platform that provides robust rules and role-based access control. It helps improve personnel readiness and mobilization. Users must install Java SE Runtime 8 to use the system.

iPERMS is a system that houses Army personnel records such as the Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR). PII is sensitive and must be handled appropriately. Documents containing multiple Social Security numbers are not authorized to be filed in the system.

While the iPERMS RMA process is fast and secure, documents containing classified information or documents with multiple SSN’s or DODID’s are not authorized to be uploaded. In addition, iPERMS will delete documents containing PII of third parties.

Documents can be viewed in up to five different folders.

When iPERMS processes an RMA, documents are stored in different folders, but they are not duplicates. Each document has a unique identifier based on the type of document. These identifiers can be seen in any number of folders, including up to five different ones. In order to be considered a duplicate, two or more identical copies must be stored in the same folder.

The Army Privacy Office has certain rules on how military personnel handle PII. For example, documents that contain multiple Social Security Numbers or DODIDs are not authorized to be filed in iPERM. If the document contains such information, it must be annotated with the soldier’s SSN at the top-right corner of the document. Third-party PII should be blacked out. Otherwise, the document will be deleted.

Documents can be filed in iPERMS.

Documents can be filed in iPERMAS RMa using one of two methods. Firstly, documents can be filed in folders. Each folder is titled and assigned an identifier based on the type of document. Second, documents can be filed in multiple folders as long as they are not duplicates. To determine if a document is a duplicate, it must have two exact copies in the same folder.

iPERMS supports the upload of documents in PDF and TIFF formats. For images, you must use approved software. The software should also be able to convert the image into the format required for uploading. Third-party PII, such as DODIDs, is not permitted for uploading into iPERMS.

Lastly, when you file documents in iPERMS RMa, you must be aware of the process. After you have uploaded the documents, make sure that you compare the ERB/ORB with the end of month LES. If there is a difference, the team in charge of keeping and updating records won’t know about it unless they have been given a case. 

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