Military tuition assistance (TA) is available for active-duty service members and their families. Before enrolling in classes, students should consult with their ESO or counselor to ensure that they meet TA eligibility requirements. If you’re an active service member, you may be able to use military tuition assistance (TA) to help cover the cost of college courses. TA is available to all military branches and is paid directly to the school. The programs offered through TA vary from branch to branch and include undergraduate, graduate, and vocational/technical degrees. These can be earned on-installation or off-installation through distance learning. They can also be taken through institutions accredited by a Department of Education-approved accrediting agency.
The TA program caps per-semester credit hour costs at $250 or $4,500 a year. However, sometimes that doesn’t quite cover the cost of the course and auxiliary fees. In those cases, you can “top up” your TA with either the Post 9/11 or Montgomery GI Bill to pay for the remaining balance. But you’ll need to talk to an ESO or counselor before enrolling in classes to ensure that your TA is approved and your courses qualify for topped-up funding. There are pros and cons to each of these options. For example, if you take the top-up option, you will have to pay back any tuition assistance if you receive a failing grade or leave the military before the course is complete. Also, you’ll need to pay back any money you received if you transfer from the school you attend or withdraw due to illness or mission requirements.

Can You Get Multiple Degrees in Army?
The military offers active duty, National Guard, and Reserve service members a tuition assistance (TA) program that pays for all or part of their college education. The program allows you to attend two- and four-year institutions on-base, off-base, remotely, or in a traditional classroom setting. The TA program offers many benefits, including full tuition coverage, fees, books, and a housing allowance. In addition, you do not lose your GI Bill entitlements by using TA. You may also be eligible for other financial aid programs like grants, loans, and state-operated veteran benefits programs.
Another great benefit of TA is that it does not count as income on your tax return, unlike student loans. This makes it a great way to save for your future, even if you are only taking one class a semester. Many of us have a lot on our plates, and getting distracted from your goals is easy. However, it is important to set and stick to clear educational goals. Your goals will help you navigate the process of claiming your TA and keep you on track toward your degree. In addition, you should also consider your career plans and how your degree will advance them. For example, if you are interested in a specific field of study, you might want to pursue a degree that will lead directly into your desired career.

How Many Degrees Will the Army Pay for?
The military makes it easier than ever to earn a degree, with many educational benefits that help pay for tuition and other expenses. Depending on your service branch, test scores, and occupation, there are multiple ways to make your education dreams a reality, from student loan repayment programs to college scholarships and financial aid. Each branch of the military offers unique tuition assistance programs, but most offer similar features. The Army’s program, for example, pays 100% of a soldier’s tuition and fees as long as the course is billed at $250 or less per semester hour. It also covers on-base and off-base schools, online courses, and independent study programs. However, the Army limits TA to 130 semester hours for undergraduate degrees and 39 semester hours for graduate degrees or master’s credits.
Soldiers must meet APFT and height/weight requirements to qualify for TA and have no adverse action flags on their personnel file. They must also complete basic training and Advanced Individual Training. Officers who use TA incur a four-year Active Duty Service Obligation (ADSO) or Reserve Duty Service Obligation (RDSO), whichever comes first. Other programs for paying for college include the Montgomery GI Bill, Post 9/11 GI Bill, state-operated veteran benefits programs, and grants and scholarships from colleges and organizations. Using these resources together can help you stretch your Army Tuition Assistance funds and pursue multiple degrees.